The new Waterfront takes shape: inspection today and guided tours open to citizens on Sunday 19th

The new Levante Waterfront is taking shape and on Sunday 19 March it will open its doors to the city with a 500-seat guided tour to show the activity for the construction of the most recent and important urban transformation work in a part of the city.

Today a preview inspection for the press, with the deputy mayor Pietro Piciocchi and the general director of Cds Holding Massimo Moretti, was an opportunity for the technicians to illustrate the state of progress of the Waterfront, developed on an area of over 110,000 square meters, divided into fifteen different construction sites.

«Sunday 19th – said Deputy Mayor Piciocchi – will be a symbolic day for the city: the intention is to then repeat the day to make the Genoese aware of the most important urban regeneration construction site in the North West of which the city must be proud. It must be a work in progress, which the Genoese feel because we are writing an important page for Genoa.”

The interventions include the redevelopment of the Palasport, the construction of the large navigable canal and residential buildings, the creation of the first portion of Parco della Foce.

By visiting the construction site from inside or observing it from above you can identify the different processing phases that proceed in parallel on the various lots. To the east, once the structural adjustments on the existing part of the Palasport have been completed, the roof slab of the car park takes shape, which will constitute the plan of the large public square.

On the other side of the canal, between the Palasport and the Jean Nouvelle Pavilion, the elevated structures of the residential buildings are being completed, followed by the installation of the facades.

Linking the entire area from East to West is the canal currently being excavated, with flooding expected before The Ocean Race Genova The Grand Finale, scheduled from 24 June to 2 July.

With a width of 35 meters and a length of 330, the canal will accommodate moorings for 150 boats.

In the rooms overlooking the docks there will be space for nautical and restaurant activities. In the Park area, work is underway on excavations preparatory to the construction of public and private underground car parks, above which tall trees will be planted. The construction of the public park proceeds in batches until the entire kilometer from Batteria Stella to via Casaregis is completed in 2025.